Ressources pour
l’encadrement doctoral


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Nous vous fournissons pour le moment une bibliographie indicative et non exhaustive concernant le doctorat en général et l’encadrement doctoral en particulier (motivation, montée en compétence, relation). Nous enrichirons peu à peu cette section avec de nouveaux documents et en proposant des synthèses / fiches de lecture des différents documents. N’oubliez pas que ce site est collaboratif : n’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour nous signaler des sources manquantes ou pour nous proposer votre synthèse d’un document.

Articles de recherche

  • Åkerlind, G. et L. McAlpine 2015, Supervising doctoral students: variation in purpose and pedagogy, Studies in Higher Education (publié en ligne)
  • Amundsen C. et L. McAlpine 2009, ‘Learning supervision’ : trial by fire, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 46(3):331-342
  • Celik, K. 2013, The Contribution of Supervisors to Doctoral Students in Doctoral Education: A Qualitative Study, Creative Education 4(1):9-17
  • De Valero Y.F. 2001, Departmental factors affecting time-to-degree and completion rates of doctoral students at one land-grant research institution, Journal of Higher Education 72(3):341-367
  • Doloriert, C., S. Sambrook et J. Stewart 2012, Power and emotion in doctoral supervision: implications for HRD, European Journal of Training and Development 36(7):732-750
  • Durette B., M. Fournier et M. Lafon 2016, The core competencies of PhDs, Studies in Higher Education 41(8):1355-1370
  • Gérard, L. et A. Daele 2016, L’évolution de la formation doctorale a-t-elle engendré une évolution dans les pratiques d’accompagnement doctoral ?, Recherche & formation 79:43-62
  • Golde C. 2000, Should I stay or should I go ? Student descriptions of the doctoral attrition process, Review of Higher Education 23(2):199-227
  • Gremmo, M.-J. et L. Gérard 2008, Accompagner les apprentis-chercheurs: jeux et enjeux de la direction de mémoire, Recherche et formation 59:43-58
  • Halse C. 2011, ‘Becoming a supervisor’ : the impact of doctoral supervision on supervisors’ learning, Studies in Higher Education 36(5):557-570
  • Halse C. et J. Malfroy 2010, Retheorizing doctoral supervision as professionnal work, Studies in Higher Education 35(1):79-92
  • Heath T. 2002, A quantitative analysis of PhD students’ views of supervision, Higher Education Research and Development 21(1):41-53
  • Herzberg, F., B. Mausner et B.B. Snyderman 1959, The motivation to work, John Wiley
  • Huang, J.C. 2010, Publishing and learning writing for publication in English: Perspectives of NNES PhD students in science, Journal of English for Academic Purposes 9(1):33-44
  • Kam B.H. 2007, Style and quality in research supervision: the supervisor dependency factor, Higher Education 34(1):81-103
  • Kamler B. et P. Thomson 2008, The Failure of Dissertation Advice Books : Toward Alternative Pedagogies for Doctoral Writing, Educational Researcher 37(8):507-514
  • Kiley M. 2011, Developments in research supervisor training : causes and responses, Studies in Higher Education 36(5):585-599
  • Kwan B.S. 2009, Reading in preparation for writing a PhD thesis: Case studies of experiences, Journal of English for Academic Purposes 8(3):180-191
  • Lee A. 2007, Developing effective supervisors: Concepts of research supervision, South African Journal of Higher Education 21(4):680-693
  • Lonka, K., A. Chow, J. Keskinen, K. Hakkarainen, N. Sandström et K. Pyhältö 2014, How to measure PhD students’ conceptions of academic writing – and are they related to well-being?, Journal of Writing Research 5(3):245-269
  • Lovitts, B. et C. Nelson 2000, The Hidden Crisis in Graduate Education: Attrition from Ph.D. Programs, Academe 86(6):44-50
  • Manathunga, C. 2005, Early warning signs in postgraduate research education: a different approach to ensuring timely completions, Teaching in Higher Education 10(2):219-233
  • Maslow A.H. 1943, A theory of motivation, Psychological Review 50:370-396
  • Neumann R., J. Guthrie 2001, Quality enhancement in Doctoral education : Developing a more public process, Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management 7(1):13-24
  • Nordentoft H.M., R. Thomsen et G. Wichmann-Hansen 2013, Collective academic supervision : a model for participation and learning in higher education, Higher Education 65(5):581-593
  • Pearson M. et A. Brew 2002, Research Training and Supervision Development, Studies in Higher Education 27(2):135-150
  • Pearson M. et C. Kayrook 2004, Enabling critical reflection on research supervisory practice, International Journal for Academic Development 9(1):99-116
  • Petersen E.B. 2007, Negotiating academicity : postgraduate research supervision as category boundary work, Studies in Higher Education 32(4):475-487
  • Stubb, J., K. Pyhältö et K. Lonka 2010, Balancing between inspiration and exhaustion: PhD students’ experienced socio-psychological well-being, Studies in Continuing Education 33(1):33-50
  • Taylor, C.A. 2011, More than meets the eye: the use of videonarratives to facilitate doctoral students’ reflexivity on their doctoral journeys, Studies in Higher Education 36(4):441-458
  • Turner G. 2015, Learning to supervise : four journeys, Innovations in Education and Teaching 52(1):86-98
  • Vehviläinen, S. et E. Löfström 2016, ‘I wish I had a crystal ball’: discourses and potentials for developing academic supervising, Studies in Higher Education 41(3):508-524
  • Vilkinas T. 2002, The PhD process : the supervisor as manager, Education+Training 44(3):129-137
  • Whitelock, D., D. Faulkner et D. Miell 2008, Promoting creativity in PhD supervision: Tensions and dilemmas, Thinking Skills and Creativity 3(2):143-153

Ouvrages et chapitres de livre

  • Boud D. et A. Lee 2009, Changing Practices of Doctoral Education, Routledge
  • Carter S. et D. Laurs 2014. Developing Generic Support for Doctoral Students: Practice and Pedagogy. Routledge
  • Delamont S. 2000. The Doctoral Experience: Success and Failure in Graduate School. London: Falmer
  • Delamont S. 2004, Supervising the Doctorate: A Guide to Success. 2nd ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press
  • Eley, A. R. 2012. Becoming a Successful Early Career Researcher. London: Routledge
  • Kamler, B. 2006. Helping Doctoral Students Write: Pedagogies for Supervision. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge
  • Marian, P. et R. Gordon 2010. The Unwritten Rules Of Phd Research. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Oliver, P. 2013, Writing your thesis, SAGE
  • Peelo, M. 2011. Understanding supervision and the PhD. A&C Black
  • Philipps, E. et D. Pugh 2010, How To Get A Phd: a handbook for students and their supervisors, McGraw-Hill Education (UK)
  • Reidy, J. et P. Green 2005, Collaborative Knowledge Management and the Art of Coaching: Reflections on the Diverse Roles of the Successful Supervisor, in P. Green (éd), Supervising Postgraduate Research: Contexts and Processes, Theories and Practices, RMIT University Press (Melbourne)
  • Wisker, G. 2012. The Good Supervisor: Supervising Postgraduate and Undergraduate Research for Doctoral Theses and Dissertations. Palgrave Macmillan


  • Ainley J. 2001, The 1999 Postgraduate Research Experience Questionnaire, Canberra : Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs
  • Hammond J., K. Ryland, M. Tennant et D. Boud 2010, Building research supervision and training accross Australian universities : Final report, Sydney : University of Technology
  • Moguérou, P., J. Murdoch et J-J. Paul 2003, Les déterminants de l’abandon en thèse: étude à partir de l’enquête Génération 98 du Céreq, in « Les données longitudinales dans l’analyse du marché du travail »
  • Sinclair, M. 2004. The Pedagogy of ’good’ PhD Supervision: A National Cross-Disciplinary Investigation of PhD Supervision. Department of Education, Science and Training Canberra

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